Generation of qualified leads

Case study about the collaboration with  Data Smartpoint

  • Generation of 1200 qualified leads through data-driven strategies
  • Development and continuous optimization of an efficient funnel
  • Use of user-generated content for an authentic target group approach

Datasmartpoint is a renowned training provider that specializes in teaching modern data analysis methods. With its AZAV-certified courses, Datasmartpoint optimally prepares participants for the demands of today’s job market. The company attaches great importance to imparting the latest technologies and practice-oriented knowledge in order to ensure the long-term success of its graduates.

The challenge

Datasmartpoint wanted to expand the reach of its educational offerings and attract qualified interested parties to its courses. The aim was to systematically guide potential participants through an optimized funnel – from the first ad to registration. At the same time, the target group was to be addressed with authentic content and clear communication of the benefits of Datasmartpoint.

The goal

The main objective of the campaign was to generate 1200 qualified leads and to make the entire customer process efficient through an optimized funnel structure. Particular attention was paid to emphasizing Datasmartpoint’s unique positioning as a leading education provider.

The solution

All steps of the lead generation process were optimized through a comprehensive strategy:

  • UGCs (user-generated content)
    • Creating authentic content that emphasizes the benefits of the courses and the experiences of previous participants. This content reinforced trust in the quality of Datasmartpoint’s educational offerings.
  • Ad creation
    • Development of creative ads that were both visually appealing and informative. The ads generated interest in the courses and led potential participants into the optimized funnel.
  • Funnel structure and optimization
    • Creation of a structured funnel that guided prospective customers through a clear customer journey. The funnel was continuously analyzed and adapted to ensure a high conversion rate.
  • Ongoing ad optimization
    • Regular monitoring and A/B tests ensured that ad performance was continuously improved. This helped to minimize the costs per lead and increase the efficiency of the campaigns.


The campaign achieved outstanding results:

      • 1200 qualified leads
      • Efficient funnel performance with a high conversion rate
      • Reduced costs per lead through ongoing optimization

    Conclusion for educational institutions

    This case study shows how important a well thought-out meta ads strategy combined with authentic content and an optimized funnel is for lead generation. Datasmartpoint was not only able to significantly increase the number of leads through these measures, but also sustainably improve the quality and efficiency of lead generation.


    With a clearly structured strategy combining UGCs, targeted ads and an optimized funnel, we were able to generate 1200 qualified leads for Datasmartpoint. This success underlines how effective data-based approaches and strategic marketing can be for education providers.

    Author of this article
    Portraitfoto von Florian Woithe für Beratungsgespräch
    Portraitfoto von Stephan Kretschmer für kostenloses Beratungsgespräch
    Portraitfoto von Damaris Latsch für Beratungsgespräch

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