Ads marketing for online store

Ads Marketing: case study

  • Implementation of efficient tracking systems
  • Turnover of over CHF 300,000 in one year
  • A constant return on advertising spend (ROAS) of 3.12 (including all tests) over a period of one year is a renowned provider in Switzerland that specializes in the sale of mattresses, beds and accessories.

The solution

To increase its market share and achieve its sales targets, Mara-Vital developed a well-thought-out digital marketing strategy. By continuously tracking and analyzing the advertising campaigns, the company achieved a constant return on advertising spend (ROAS) of 3.12 over a period of one year.

The challenge

In a market dominated by established competitors, it was a challenge to increase brand awareness while offering good value for money.

The results

The implementation of targeted advertising campaigns and continuous optimization based on the data collected resulted in additional sales of CHF 300,000 over one year. The constant ROAS of 3.12 shows the efficiency and sustainability of the implemented marketing strategies.

The optimization

By continuously monitoring and adjusting the marketing campaigns, supported by an efficient tracking system, Mara-Vital was able to continuously improve performance and maintain a constant ROAS.
This enabled the company to react quickly to market changes and sustainably increase marketing efficiency.
Furthermore, new creatives were constantly being produced, which gave the company an additional expense.


The case study highlights the importance of a data-driven marketing strategy to succeed in a competitive market. Through continuous optimization and data-driven decision-making, Mara-Vital was able to significantly improve its market presence and generate significant additional sales.

Über den Autor dieses Artikels

Michael Kaschinski

Michael Kaschinski ist ein Meta Ads Nerd. Niemand brennt so darauf profitable Ads hochzuskalieren, wie Michael. Wenn es darum geht strategische und technische Lücken in Social Media Kanälen wie Facebook zu finden, ist Michael stets bereit Mark Zuckerberg auf der Nase herumzutanzen. Strategisch hilft Michael Firmen wie Stryve, Ornamentus oder Mara Vital profitabel zu wachsen, Wellen zu reiten und auch effektiv Budget zu sparen.
Portraitfoto von Florian Woithe für Beratungsgespräch
Portraitfoto von Stephan Kretschmer für kostenloses Beratungsgespräch
Portraitfoto von Damaris Latsch für Beratungsgespräch

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